
Here is a Sphere in UDK with my custom lighting material being used.  It is a 2blend material using a threshold based vertex paint blend.  The textures being used are the same for each but the F0 and Gloss values change.  The Gloss value range on this one is very low.  To think of it in other lighting terms, this is a very rough surface.  Most of the light hitting it is being diffused and therefore we have a very soft look.

Here is a Sphere in UDK with my custom lighting material being used. It is a 2blend material using a threshold based vertex paint blend. The textures being used are the same for each but the F0 and Gloss values change. The Gloss value range on this one is very low. To think of it in other lighting terms, this is a very rough surface. Most of the light hitting it is being diffused and therefore we have a very soft look.

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